House Nehemiah

The name was inspired by the story of Nehemiah in the bible. A cupbearer to a Persian King, who felt a burden to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was deeply moved when he heard that his people was suffering and could not help but to do something about it.
Much like Nehemiah, we saw a big need in our community to create a safe space for children that have been neglected and abused and felt a burden to do something about it.

How to help
How to help
Sponsor a bed!
Our Sponsor-a-bed campaign allows individuals to cover the costs for a child at House Nehemiah every month. The donation will be used to pay for basic necessities like food, clothes and school supplies.
Other specialised services such as counselling and social worker support will also be covered.
House Nehemiah is a children's home in Krugersdorp.
For who is House Nehemiah?
House Nehemiah is a place of safety and residential care facility for children in need of care and protection.
Most children who live at House Nehemiah have been removed from their parent's care by social workers, often due to neglect or abuse.
There are also some children whose parents abandoned them at House Nehemiah.
Some children only stay at House Nehemiah temporarily while their cases are finalized at the children's court case. House Nehemiah is currently catering for children between the ages of 3 and 13.

How many children can stay at House Nehemiah?
Thanks to the support of our donors, House Nehemiah can house up to 30 children at a time.

How can you help?
You can help by donating to our Sponsor-a-Bed campaign!
This campaign aims to get donors to cover all of the funds needed for one child per month.
We need R400 000 to run House Nehemiah for one month, therefore it costs between R10 000 -R12 000 for one child per month.
What's included in the
Sponsor-a-Bed Campaign?
The money donated will go towards covering the food, clothes, water, electricity and other basic necessities for the child.
It will also include things such as sport clothes or equipment if the child needs it.
Other specialised services are also payed for if needed, including occupational therapy, speech therapy, spell therapy, counselling and the support of a social worker.